Rideau Canal: The Next Ten Years

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Please note:
The public consultation process has now closed. You may still continue to download and review documents found on this site.

Thank you.

We are presently reviewing the feedback we received over the last five months to help inform a new management plan for the Rideau Canal and Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Sites. A ‘What We Heard’ public consultation report, which presents the feedback and how it will inform the new plan, will be prepared and shared later this summer.

Please watch this website and our social media channels for an announcement of its release. Those who submitted feedback during the public consultation process will also receive direct notification.

Please note:
The public consultation process has now closed. You may still continue to download and review documents found on this site.

Thank you.

We are presently reviewing the feedback we received over the last five months to help inform a new management plan for the Rideau Canal and Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Sites. A ‘What We Heard’ public consultation report, which presents the feedback and how it will inform the new plan, will be prepared and shared later this summer.

Please watch this website and our social media channels for an announcement of its release. Those who submitted feedback during the public consultation process will also receive direct notification.

Tell us a story!

Share an experience you had while visiting the Rideau Canal National Historic Site, or a story from another place, that you think would help us plan for the next 10 years.

Thank you for sharing a story with us.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    by Jack, almost 4 years ago
    I was paddling the canal last fall and had stopped at Lower Brewers Lock for the night. I was setting up my tent, when a staffer came across the lock, walked past me, went to a nearby storage shed and unlocked the door. He went inside. A minute later he emerged, locked up, and walked over to me.

    "I turned on the power in the shed," he said, "so that you can use the outlet on the outside wall to recharge your electronics."

    I thanked him for his thoughtfulness and said to myself, "I like the Rideau Canal."

  • Share Finding the Cemetery on Facebook Share Finding the Cemetery on Twitter Share Finding the Cemetery on Linkedin Email Finding the Cemetery link

    Finding the Cemetery

    by Jack, almost 4 years ago

    I was paddling the length of the canal last fall and arrived at Upper Nicholsons Lock. I had been reading Ken Watson's guide and wanted to visit the old cemetery where rest the remains of workers who built the canal. I asked a staffer how to get to the cemetery. He didn't know. He had never been to the cemetery. He had to go off and look for a pamphlet.

    I found it surprising that this individual, working at an historic place, speaking with visitors, had never been to a very special bit of history associated with his lock and... Continue reading

  • Share 2020: Year of Covid on Facebook Share 2020: Year of Covid on Twitter Share 2020: Year of Covid on Linkedin Email 2020: Year of Covid link

    2020: Year of Covid

    by Diane Haskins, almost 4 years ago

    2020 the Year of Covid gave me a new appreciation of the pleasures offered at of the Rideau Canal lock stations. Because of the unavailability of normal meeting locations my two sisters and I opted to meet every two weeks for a picnic, choosing as our locations the various Rideau Canal sites. Each occasion meant a different setting, allowing us the opportunity to experience the diversity of this magnificent system. To a large extent these oases of tranquillity were overlooked by other open air seekers; thus we had this special part of the world almost exclusively to ourselves and were... Continue reading

  • Share A better way to cross the canal on Facebook Share A better way to cross the canal on Twitter Share A better way to cross the canal on Linkedin Email A better way to cross the canal link

    A better way to cross the canal

    by marc95596, almost 4 years ago

    In the summer of 2021, I started biking to work from the west end of Ottawa to the Byward market. I would take the Ottawa River pathway which offers breathtaking views of the city.

    On my way to the market, I had to make a stop at the rideau canal in order to cross and continue my commute. In order to cross the canal at lock station 1-8, the only option available is by walking on top of the lock itself (see picture).

    I started thinking about the numerous challenges that this represents. To begin, the steps at each... Continue reading

Page last updated: 12 May 2022, 01:44 PM